الالتحاق بالمركز
ما الذي يقدمه MCP Med TI ؟
With MCP Med TI admission, most learning products at the MCP Med TI are pegged to the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and therefore the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). These courses/modules are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA). Credits obtained following completion of the aforementioned learning programmes can be transferred under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Courses/modules are based on clear learning outcomes that define knowledge, skills and competencies that the student should gain after successful completion.
شهادة المتدرب
The MCP Med/ICMPD environment: the team was always available and ready to help. Working as a professional officer I know how difficult it is to keep up with everything at the same time and they did this in the best way. I would start by thanking everyone involved in making this training happen. It was a great experience and I acquired a lot of knowledge during these 5 days. I would recommend this training to people I know and for sure will apply for any other opportunity provided by ICMPD and MCP Med TI. Thank you.
متدرب في MCP Med TI
هل تريد أن تعرف كيفية التسجيل في دوراتنا؟
اطلع على متطلبات MCP Med TIمتطلبات المدرب المعتمد
يستند تفويض المدربين إلى معيارين رئيسيين:
- شهادة/مؤهلات متعلقة بالتربية
- شهادة/مؤهلات متعلقة بموضوع معين
سيضمن MCP Med TI المستويات اللازمة من الكفاءة في كل من التربية والموضوع المعيّن لجميع المدربين وامتثالهم المستمر للمعايير.
اطلع على المتطلبات التفصيلية